February 27, 2008

Daily Kos:

When you go to Las Vegas, you have a lot of choices of where to stay and where to spend your money. You can go high-end, low-end and now, with Sheldon Adelson openly supporting 1,000 years of war in Iraq, you can also go neoconservative-nutjob end.

In 2007, Sheldon Adelson was one of the founders of Freedom's Watch; a right wing political attack machine that is intent on continuing the war in Iraq and with any luck, moving forward and starting another war in Iran.

Thanks to folks who have linked up some pretty amazing stories at Freedom's Watch NewsLadder, we have learned that the chicken hawks at Freedom's Watch have been focus-grouping war with Iran. [..]

Sheldon Adelson has perverted the service of our men and women in uniform and created a front group to promote war. It's run by people who never served, to take advantage of the sacrifice of those who have. His tens of millions of dollars spent will benefit the man who wants war, not just now, but forever, John McCain.

Maybe next time you go to Vegas, you'll consider staying somewhere else - our 150,000 men and women in uniform in Iraq, their families and their children will thank you for it.

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