May 2, 2008

full disclosure: I work for the Courage Campaign

We thought we blocked Blackwater from building a base in California, after they pulled their plans for a massive training facility in tiny Potrero, CA.

Instead they were busy using shell companies to gain permits for a "vocational training faclity" THREE blocks from the Mexican border in the city of San Diego. Meanwhile, Blackwater is looking to open up a new facility in Idaho.

Here in California, the Courage Campaign is moving out against Blackwater on two fronts:

Pressure Speaker Pelosi to support the "Stop Outsourcing Security Act", which John mentioned last week. Join 10,000 people by signing the petition to Speaker Pelosi. We need to cut off their their profits to keep them from trying to outsource our border security and other national security contracts.

Pressure San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders to investigate how Blackwater obtained its permit. Blackwater used a shell company called "Southwest Law Enforcement" to gain city permits for a "vocational trade school" a stone's throw from the Tijuana International Airport. While Blackwater denies that this deception is a trojan horse to land border security contracts from the federal government before George W. Bush leaves office, the ominous writing is on California's wall.

If you live in San Diego County, please join over 2,000 residents in signing this letter to Mayor Sanders urging him to start a full investigation into the false pretenses Blackwater used to obtain a "vocational trade school" permit for their facility near the border.

The letter was written by SD Dem Party Chair Jess Durfee. Francine Busby, a former congressional candidate in CA-50, promoted the letter to her list and Congressman Bob Filner has just sent a separate letter to Mayor Sanders, requesting an investigation as well.

Stay tuned as we continue to work with the San Diego County Democratic Party, Francine Busby and Congressman Filner to keep Blackwater out of San Diego and out of California.

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