March 3, 2020

Former DNC chairwoman and Fox News contributor Donna Brazile laced into Ronna McDaniel, the head of the RNC, on America's Newsroom earlier today.

It's likely Fox didn't bargain for this kind of anger, not to mention language when they hired Donna Brazile. It couldn't happen to a nicer network.

McDaniel, as with most Republicans, tried to sow discontent in the Democratic primary by claiming the process will be "rigged" against Bernie Sanders if no one enters the convention with enough delegates to win on the first ballot.

Brazile listened to the ridiculous claptrap in a video clip from the RNC Chairwoman. Her response was direct and angry: "Stay the hell out of our race!"

Donna continued, "I get sick and tired, Ed and Sandra, of listening to Republicans tell me and the Democrats about our process."

Donna then really let loose.

"And for people to use Russian talking points to sow division among Americans, that is stupid---so, Ronna, go to hell.”

Off-camera Ed Henry said, “Whoa!”

"No, go to hell!” Brazile repeated. “I’m tired of it, Ed. We’re not trying to prevent anyone from becoming the nominee. If you have the delegates and win, you will win.”

And she didn't stop there.

"The idea that Democrats are trying to put hurdles or roadblocks to stop one candidate is stupid," Brazile said.

"Stop using Russian talking points, Madame chairwoman. Period. Stop using them!"

Sandra Smith tried to defend Ronna's opinion and Brazile said, "If there's any proof Madam Chairwoman -- any proof Mister President, that we are trying to change this process for one candidate, show the proof."

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