Federal Judge DENIES GOP Effort To Disqualify 127K Ballots In Texas - UPDATED
Credit: Stock Photo
November 2, 2020

Democracy can put another notch in her belt after another win in court on Monday afternoon. A federal judge in Texas rejected a last-minute attempt by Republicans to invalidate roughly 127,000 ballots that were cast at new drive-thru voting locations in Democratic-leaning Harris County, Texas.

The judge, Andrew Hanen, was appointed by George W. Bush and is no friend to Democrats. But, he said the plaintiffs in the case lacked legal standing to challenge the use of the drive-thru voting locations. Even if the judge found the plaintiffs had standing, it would not have invalidated ballots already cast, just those going forward on Election Day. The judge also found that the lawsuit wasn't filed in a timely fashion, as required.

Judge Hanen advised voters not to vote via drive-thru tomorrow to ensure those votes count.

Prior to the case being heard by Judge Hanen, it was actually presented to the Supreme Court of Texas - a body comprised ENTIRELY OF REPUBLICANS. They declined to hear the case.

Keep on winning.

UPDATE: From the Harris County Clerk:

UPDATE 2: It's going to the 5th Circuit

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