Amid the atrocities of Wednesday's riot, there was a lot of white privilege and whining going on.
January 8, 2021

Quite a few of the MAGA Sedition rioters, there were several Karens and Chads that were not ready to be treated to the police treating them like the criminals they are.

The video above shows a Karen from Knoxville, Tennessee, who is in tears because she was maced for breaking into the Capitol Building.

Then we have this guy, who was also shocked - shocked, I tell you! - that the police would treat the "American people" in such a brutal manner such as using physical force to repel the thug after breaking into the Capitol:

Chad really needs to realize he gave up all his rights as one of the American people when he chose to commit treason and sedition.

One of the most illuminating bits from the sedition riots came from this unidentified Karen who best summed up why these Karens and Chads were so surprised and upset at the turn of events:

“This is not America,” a woman said to a small group, her voice shaking. She was crying, hysterical. “They’re shooting at us. They’re supposed to shoot BLM, but they’re shooting the patriots.”

A man, possibly her husband, comforted her: “Don’t worry, honey. We showed them today. We showed them what we’re all about.”

Oh yeah, we see what you're all about, all right. And we'll be cheering and laughing loudly when they throw the fullest extent of the law at your sorry asses in criminal court.

Someone needs to tell all of these people that they wouldn't be having all these problems if they had just obeyed the law.

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