November 14, 2022

On Saturday's Fox News Reports, the pro-Republican Election Enterprise ran a segment claiming Democrats need to do some soul-searching after the midterms because both political parties did not win a mandate.

I kid you not.

Fox News promised a red wave over and over again leading up to last Tuesday. McCarthy said Republicans would gain 30 seats.

Now it's a problem for both sides?

The Republican Party, the out party in a midterm fight, was supposed to "win a mandate" on November 8. Theirs is the failure.

But the Fox News chyron told a different story: 'BOTH PARTIES SOUL SEARCHING AFTER MIDTERMS'.

Enter Salina Zito from the Washington Examiner,, who claimed said both parties should learn a lesson from the results and work together.

"Neither party got a mandate," Zito said. "Neither party got an overwhelming win. Voters were telling them to slow down and work together."

We can tell you for sure, voters didn't want election deniers and crackpots leading their states or gutting elections as Secretaries of State.

While most people always hope both parties will "work together," that has been an unattainable goal since the MAGA cult took over the GOP.

Salina Zito should be forced to sit in a room with Marge Greene and the rest of the "Freedom Caucus" and convince them to work with Democrats. Both sides!

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