June 24, 2023

After spending maybe all of five minutes covering the unrest and apparent coup attempt in Russia the previous evening, while other networks were giving it close to wall to wall coverage, Fox & Friends opened their show this Saturday discussing what was going on with former CIA officer Dan Hoffman.

Following the discussion with Hoffman, host Rachel Campos-Duffy used the occasion to attack the United States and accuse us of being responsible for provoking Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: It's interesting, what we're seeing. We see how complicated these adventures abroad become, and, you know, for me, looking at the amount of money we've sent, the lack of transparency, the fact that we get very few updates on what is actually going on.

We think at one time Ukraine is winning. Then we think Russia is winning. Then they have all these other complications.

I just wish we would get out of situations – never get into situations like this. Certainly not provoke these kinds of wars abroad that end up entangling us... and... and... taking a lot of resources away from Americans who need it right now.

This isn't the first time Campos-Duffy has parroted Putin's talking points on the right wing propaganda network she works for.

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