April 3, 2024

Peter Navarro has asked Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch to perform an end-run around Chief Justice John Roberts over an unsuccessful late March bid to stay out of federal prison. As of Tuesday, Navarro is two weeks and a day into a four-month prison sentence for two counts of contempt of Congress. Via lawandcrime.com:

In January, U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta sentenced the 74-year-old economist to prison time and a fine of $9,500 for repeatedly stonewalling congressional investigators working for the House Select Committee to Investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

A series of lower court and appellate court appeals followed throughout February and March. Results were consistent and clear: Navarro could, of course, appeal his conviction and sentence — but he had to start serving that sentence when the courts instructed.

Navarro is now appealing his conviction from behind the bars of a lockup facility in Miami. Last month, he angled to remain free on bail while the appeals process fully plays out in a last ditch-direct appeal to the chief justice. But Roberts would not play ball. In a one-page letter dated Tuesday, Navarro’s attorneys ask Supreme Court Clerk Scott Harris to resubmit their emergency stay application with Gorsuch — who has a penchant for criminal justice reform and who often expresses sympathy for incarcerated people.

He has zero present chance of succeeding.

This was for contempt of Congress, Pete! All you had to do was show up. Or were you too scared of the Mango Man to get on his bad side? What a snowflake.

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