January 5, 2011

RIP Gerry Rafferty:

Scottish singer/songwriter Gerry Rafferty, best known for his solo hit "Baker Street" and "Stuck In The Middle," which he recorded as a member of Stealers Wheel, died January 4th after a long battle with liver disease. He was 63. "Stuck In The Middle," the lone hit of his band Stealers Wheel, reached Number Six on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1973 — though many people confused it for a Bob Dylan song because of the intentional vocal similarity. The song received new life in 1992 when Quentin Tarantino used it in a particularly gruesome scene in his debut film Reservoir Dogs.

Gerry's music and voice still move me to this day. Baker Street was an obvious choice, but he gave us much more. Feel free to share any of your favorites!

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