April 18, 2024

Enthusiastic treason enabler Bill Barr said yesterday he will vote for the “Republican ticket” in the November presidential election. He said on Fox that it was his duty to pick the person "I think would do the least harm to the country." Ha, ha! What a lying weasel he is. Via The Hill:

“I think it’s my duty to pick the person I think would do the least harm to the country,” Barr said on Fox News’s “America’s Newsroom.” “And in my mind, that’s — I will vote the Republican ticket.”

Barr’s comments come in spite of past criticism of his ex-boss, former President Trump, who is the presumptive Republican nominee for president. In December, Barr said his successor in a potential second Trump administration would have to be against the former president’s “abuse of government power.”

“Trump needs people around him who will push back and help keep him on the straight and narrow,” Barr said.

You know, like Bill did with the Mueller Report?

“During his first term, the main way that could be done is by pointing out to him how this would hurt his prospects for a second term,” he continued. “Once he wins a second term, I don’t know you know what considerations can be used to push back against bad ideas.”

Barr said Wednesday he thinks “the real danger to the country — the real danger to democracy, as I say, is the progressive agenda.”

Oh, God bless ya, you flaccid old hypocrite. Your own personal ambition was a real danger to the country, covering up the fact that the Orange Man was placed in charge with widely unknown help from Putin. Why was it widely unknown? Because of Bill Barr, who covered it all up and instead smeared Biden!

Marcy Wheeler keeps the score:

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