April 25, 2024

Maybe Lara Trump will give her a raise! After all, clearly she's willing to do just about anything! Via American Oversight:

Christina Bobb, a former Trump attorney and far-right television presenter who was a fervent supporter of efforts to overturn the 2020 election, is now the Republican National Committee’s senior counsel for “election integrity.”

Bobb’s RNC appointment came shortly after Trump secured the party’s 2024 nomination, and signals the RNC’s focus on continuing to push lies about voter fraud and election security. Bobb played a major role in the fake-electors scheme and, as public reporting and documents obtained by American Oversight detail, supported partisan and baseless post-2020 election investigations in Arizona and Wisconsin.

Bobb previously worked as a correspondent for the Trump-aligned One America News Network, where she promoted falsehoods about the 2020 election and in 2021 urged viewers to donate in support of the Arizona Senate’s “audit” of Maricopa County’s election results through her organization Voices and Votes, which contributed over $600,000 in donations for the Arizona effort.

Now, she's getting her mug shot taken in Arizona.

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