March 17, 2005

Craig's Thoughts, Theories, and Tantrums

And by save we mean destroy:

A senior Republican senator said, "The message coming out of the White House is that we'll fix Social Security by raising your taxes and cutting your retirement benefits and, to get something passed, we'll forget about the personal retirement accounts we promised."

Ouch... that has to hurt. "Read my lips... no new taxes"

The Friday Fisking of Michelle Malkin You Crave.

Oh, thank you very, very, very fucking much people for bringing my attention to this little goodie from Michelle Malkin. Well, it's only appropriate, I guess, to end a truly Malkin'd week with the sort of really busy fisking of a wing nut that you craaave. Especially since Auguste is off somewhere on hiatus and someone's got to take out the trash.

I'm not sure why it has to be me though. What about the Craig's Thoughts, Theories, and Tantrums

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