July 16, 2005

John has this in from the letters to the editor: "The NY Post ran an editorial praising Rove and calling Wilson a low-down, dirty dog. I didn't even bother linking to it. Today's Sunday letter section is FILLED with letters from readers -- all of them criticizing the paper and condemning Rove and not getting sidetracked into a he said-he said debate. Two corkers:"...read on

The NY Post is a big tabloid paper in NY. There are no liberal writers penning editorials for Murdoch ( I believe they have ten wingnuts); however NY'ers do not read that paper for its political stance or reporting skills. I like their sports section myself being a NY sports fan so I read it everyday on-line. Most NY'ers probably feel the same way. The paper has no influence other than Chris Matthews putting on Deborah Orin as a pundit. Nobody takes them seriously as a real journalistic publication, so it's not surprising to see their response to that nonsense. ( hat tip nicky)

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