June 10, 2006

The great Sviatoslav Richter plays Ravel's - Jeux d' eau


Jeux d’eau is a piece for solo piano by the French Impressionistic composer, Maurice Ravel. The title often translates to “Fountains”, “Water Games”, and “Playing water” (See Jeux d'eau, water features in gardens.) The piece, a virtuosic tone-poem, is inspired by Franz Liszt (Jeux d'eau a la Villa d'Este), and also as Ravel explained:

Jeux d’eau, appearing in 1901, is at the origin of the pianistic novelities which one would notice in my work. This piece, inspired by the noise of water and by the musical sounds which make one hear the sprays water, the cascades, and the brooks, is based on to motives in the manner of the movement of a sonata—without, however, subjecting itself to the classical tonal plan.

This work is considered one of the first examples of "musical impressionism" among Ravel's compositions...

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