June 17, 2007

(guest blogged by Howie Klein)

There was definitely a time when my favorite music was what was then called "industrial." At the time I worked at Sire Records as general manager and we had one of the greatest of the industrial bands, Ministry. Ironically, when Seymour Stein signed them he had only heard a kind of proto-disco song they did called "Every Day is Halloween" and when he realized they weren't going to do more songs like that he fled from the project and left them to me. Long after disavowing "Halloween," I think they were the first industrial band to go gold. Seymour was so happy that he was amenable when I suggested we sign a whole industrial label, Zoth Ommog, based in Frankfurt in Germany.

You can imagine when I showed up at Warner Bros with a band from that deal called Armageddon Dildos-- one guy from Hannover (Dirk) and one guy from Sweden (Uwe). Although they went on to gain some acclaim with their brilliant cover of Morrissey's "Every Day Is Like Sunday" the following year, their first big breakthrough came from their 1993 release HOMICIDAL DOLLS and the single "Homicidal Maniac."

Tonight's contest is for a very rare promo-only 2 CD set, a package that was put together for a party to celebrate my retirement from Warner Bros. It was never sold and only 500 were ever pressed. It includes some rare tracks not otherwise available and among the artists on the discs are the aforementioned Ministry, Morrissey and Armageddon Dildos, as well as Ramones, Green Day, Body Count, Talking Heads, Fleetwood Mac, Neil Young, Wilco, Enya, Depeche Mode, Lou Reed, Enya, Eric Clapton, Joni Mitchell... To win it listen to that Armageddon Dildos tune and write us a paragraph telling as an appropriate time to play that song in a public setting-- and why.Email downwithtyranny@aol.com with your entry.

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