Horses Mouth: The Politico's loud mea culpa darrel plant: John Kerry's endorsement of Barack Obama over his former running mate, John Edwards, has pe
January 10, 2008

Horses Mouth: The Politico's loud mea culpa

darrel plant: John Kerry's endorsement of Barack Obama over his former running mate, John Edwards, has people buzzing.

Martini Revolution: Despite what the Pentagon has admitted, Senators McCain & Lieberman are still insisting that Teh Surge worked.

Capital Eye: Bill Richardson has ended his presidential campaign and now faces the question of what to do with the money he had collected for the general election in November.

Collateral on The Machine

ImmigrationProf Blog: Oklahoma immigration law scares employers. Indeed, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce claims businesses can't be competitive without their most reliable source of cheap labor...with no benefits.

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