May 10, 2014

In what was an incredible moment in sports and for gay rights in America, Michael Sam, the SEC defensive player of the year was drafted on the seventh and final round of the NFL Draft. ESPN showed the video of his emotional response to Jeff Fisher's phone call telling him the good news. He immediately broke down in tears and then shared a kiss with a special someone.

Think Progress

Sam, who was named the SEC Defensive Player of the Year in 2013, went as the 249th pick. He is only the second person ever to hold that title and fall out of the top 33 picks of the NFL draft. The other was Chad Lavalais of Louisiana State University, who was picked 142nd back in in 2004. Before the draft, CBS had Sam’s prospect ranking at 169."

I only hope religious conservatives don't attack him for being gay, showing his happiness with someone and playing in the NFL.

Good luck, Michael!

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