It's a good thing Tailgunner Ted Cruz pointed out how unfairly Ben Carson was being treated unfairly during the CNBC debate, or he might have missed it.
October 29, 2015

It's a good thing Tailgunner Ted Cruz pointed out how "unfairly" Ben Carson and his cohorts were being treated during the CNBC debate, or he might have missed it. Here's old Black Droopy Dog on this Thursday's The O'Reilly Factor, telling Bill-O when he first realized that those mean "liberal" CNBC moderators were picking on all of them during the debate Wednesday night:

O'REILLY: What was the tipping point for you in the debate last night where you just went, you know, this is absurd? What was that?

CARSON: Well, I think it was the launch of the Cruz missile, when Sen. Cruz, you know, really chastised them, and you know, specifically pointed out what they were doing to each one of the candidates.

O'REILLY: Brilliant move.

CARSON: Yes. It was very telling.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your GOP 2016 presidential front runner.

Here's more on Carson's whining on the segment above from Fox's blog: Carson Calls for Changes to Debate Format After CNBC Debacle:

Ben Carson joined Bill O'Reilly tonight to react to the third GOP debate and share his vision for how the format of future debates should be changed.

"I think the debate last night crystallized the fact that these 'gotcha'-type questions are not very helpful in terms of helping the people understand who the candidates are and what their policies are," Carson said.

He said that he's asked his staff to reach out to the other campaigns and discuss how the debate formats could be improved.

He suggested giving candidates 2 to 5 minutes to discuss their policies at length, with follow-up questions after.

"This was so bad that I think even the RNC will recognize that that was a mistake, and maybe we need to be looking for a better way to do this, a way that will advantage us rather than advantaging the other party."

It was a debacle alright. Just not in the way Carson thinks it was.

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