July 19, 2017

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards appeared on Last Word on Tuesday night, and pointed out that it is women, both as Senators and constituents, who defeated Trumpcare.

We still have evil Republicans attempting to repeal Obamacare. The fight is not over. But the devastating changes to Medicaid are over, at least for now. Those of us who have children with disabilities have slept decently this week for the first time since January.

Richards pointed out that 86% of the calls coming into the Congress from constituents were from women. And it is three women Republican Senators: Capito, Collins, and Murkowski, who put a stop to the vote yesterday to do a straight repeal of Obamacare.

There was one moment in this interview that caught my ear:

CECILE RICHARDS: It's incredible. Not only did this bill, the bill he had would have ended access to Planned Parenthood but also potentially end access for maternity care for millions of women. There were all kinds of concerns for women. You can't just pass legislation on a topic this important and leave women behind. That is ultimately what may cost him this -- being able to pass this.

LAWRENCE O'DONNELL: I'm sure you know with all the people you talk to who use Planned Parenthood and others on Obamacare. this has been six months of incredible and difficult anxiety.

RICHARDS: That's right.

O'DONNELL: And worry. and near panic for them.

RICHARDS: Absolutely.

I would like to thank Lawrence O'Donnell for acknowledging what gets lost in "view from nowhere" objective journalism. The Republicans committed six months of legislative terrorism against average Americans this year. The Trumpcare fight was not just political, it was personal, and it was incredibly painful. The sense that you and your family might be deprived of needed medical treatment takes a tremendous emotional toll. The Republican Party did this to mothers of disabled kids, people with serious medical conditions, those needing nursing home care, access to family planning, and cancer treatment. Average American citizens endured sleep deprivation, disorientation, and stress because of what Republicans threatened to do to our healthcare system. You do not recover quickly from that sort of endured suffering.

We will never forget the last six months. What Republicans did to us cannot be undone, and we will work for the rest of our lives to make sure this never ever happens again. McConnell, Ryan, and their party of torturers must be removed from congressional leadership in 2018.

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