Nunes Admits To Doctoring 'The Memo' After Intel Committee Approved Transmittal To The White House
January 31, 2018

While Republicans huddle together in West Virginia and figure out which part of our democracy to destroy next, Rep. Adam Schiff is hard at work in the nation's capital, trying to save the remaining shreds for rebuilding at some point in the future.

Today's news has been all about "The Memo," that piece of work which Devin Nunes put together based upon his fantasies of certain vindication for all the Russian toadies, including himself and his keeper, Donald Trump.

Amid news breaking tonight that the White House would release the memo sent to them by Nunes in spite of serious warnings from the FBI and other agencies who believe it is riddled with inaccuracies and exaggerations, we have Rep. Schiff noting this: THE MEMO SENT TO THE WHITE HOUSE IS NOT THE MEMO THE INTEL COMMITTEE APPROVED.

According to Schiff, there are "material differences" in the two memos.

"Upon our discovery that the document sent for public review had been secretly altered, the majority belatedly offered the minority the opportunity this evening to compare the document transmitted on Monday night by the Majority to the White House with the document made available to all members on January 18th," Schiff wrote.

He concluded, "The White House, therefore, has been reviewing a document since Monday night that the Committee never approved for public release."

Oh. That's not good. And the changes weren't corrections to the things which were wrong with it, either. Schiff said the changes were "substantive" and "material."

In his letter, Schiff reminds Nunes that Rep,. Jim Himes specifically asked him if the document would be "word for word made available to the public" upon its release, and Nunes confirmed that it would.

Schiff is demanding that the altered document be withdrawn and returned to the committee for a vote rather than being released tomorrow.

If there is anyone obstructing justice right now, I think it must be Devin Nunes. All of this remains a HUGE distraction intended to make everyone look away from facts that matter, like Hope Hicks saying the emails from Trump Junior about the meeting with Russians would never see the light of day. YES! That's another breaking story tonight!

But Nunes. That guy, he needs to go to jail for a very, very long time.

And he well might. He may not enjoy that immunity he thinks he has, after all.

UPDATE: Oh look! He admits he did it!!!

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