October 22, 2018

Trump's favorite morning show talked to a panel of independent voters about the caravan of migrants headed to the United States from Honduras that they've been fearmongering over constantly for the last week or more, and it didn't go so well for them, to say the least.

DOOCY: One of the big stories right now is this migrant caravan that is heading towards the United States. Right now it's north of apparently 7000 people strong. I'm just curious, Michael, let's start with you, how big of a problem is that, that the United States has uneven immigration laws?

PANELIST: I think uneven immigration laws are a problem for any country. And I think our immigration laws need to be modernized and updated, but this country is founded on immigration, and all of us come from immigrants.

DOOCY: Sure, but what should the United States do if those 7000 people, by the time it gets here, it could be 10,000, it could be 20,000, what should the United States do about this?

PANELIST: This is the mightiest country on the planet, I think we can handle a caravan of people, unarmed, coming to this country.

DOOCY: So let them in?

PANELIST: Well, I’m saying to process them properly.

DOOCY: Kathy, real quick.

PANELIST: Real quick, I think the immigration crisis we're seeing is a failure of the two democratic parties to actually engage the issue.


DOOCY: John, real quick, on the immigration.

PANELIST: There’s a humanitarian crisis taking place in Central America, and yet, this issue gets turned into a complete political football. There’s very little honest discussion about what’s actually happening. It gets turned into talking points.

DOOCY: And Eric.

PANELIST: Treating this as an “invasion” is a bad idea and it’s going to end horribly if it is treated such as that way. So, I think, people have to realize these are human beings coming here, and there needs to be a real solution offered in dealing with it.

DOOCY: Sure, but the backdrop is the midterms, and so it all becomes political. We'll see what happens. Great discussion. Thank you very much.

Who else thinks the producer that put this together may be out of a job this morning?

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