September 10, 2019

The House of Reps is doing all it can to forward an agenda on gun control legislation, and Mitch McConnell is doing everything in his power to stop it. The House Judiciary Committee met today to vote on sending new legislation to the full House, in the hopes of stemming the tidal wave of blood flowing from mass shootings, irresponsible gun owners, and domestic abusers.

This same day, #MassacreMitch held a press conference, wherein he was asked direct questions about Republican support for specific gun control measures. He answered each time, "We have no king but King Donald." (Sidenote: If ever a Republican tries to dissociate themselves from Trump, you know what to do.) On top of that, he had the cold-bloodedness to call the pressers held by Democrats (including Mayor Wahaley of Dayton) "stunts" and "theatrics."

Senator Schumer was asked about the legislation's progress, and McConnell's refusal to answer questions or bring legislation to the floor. Schumer said the only thing the Majority Leader knows how to do is duck. When a reporter asked him specifically about McConnell calling their efforts "theatrics," though, he got visibly angry.

SCHUMER: SHAME on him, there are people who DIED. SHAME ON HIM! Put the bill on the floor, and stop ducking the issue and calling names. SHAME on him.

With that, the presser came to an abrupt and somber end. What else was there to say?

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