White House economic adviser Kevin Hassett on Sunday said that workers -- who he referred to as "human capital stock" -- are "ready to get back to work" during the coronavirus pandemic.
Trump Economic Adviser Kevin Hassett: 'Our Human Capital Stock Is Ready To Get Back To Work'
May 24, 2020

White House economic adviser Kevin Hassett on Sunday said that workers -- who he referred to as "human capital stock" -- are "ready to get back to work" during the coronavirus pandemic.

In an interview on CNN, host Dana Bash asked Hassett if unemployment could be in double digits when President Donald Trump faces re-election in November.

"Yes, I do," Hassett replied. "But I think all the signs of economic recovery are going to be raging everywhere and the only thing we're going to be really debating as economists is are we going to get back to where we were or is it going to be kind of a long haul to get there?"

The economic adviser added: "Our human capital stock is ready to get back to work and so there are lots of reasons to believe we can get going way faster than we have in previous crises."

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