October 16, 2020

In New Zealand there's pretty much zero tolerance for the foolishness routinely seen here with COVID-19, so when an American asked the Deputy Prime Minister where his proof was that the coronavirus even exists, Winston Peters did not hide his disgust.

Source: SBS

New Zealand’s Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters had no time for a coronavirus-denying man at an election event, shutting him down and calling him "sunshine".

Mr Peters is the leader of New Zealand First, the junior partner of the country's governing coalition, led by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's Labour party.

He was taking questions from the audience after giving a speech at the event in Tauranga on Wednesday when a man with a North American accent stood up and asked for extra proof that the coronavirus exists.

“Where’s your evidence that there’s a virus that causes the disease?” the man said, before being interrupted by Mr Peters.

“Sit down, sit down, sit down,” Mr Peters said.

“We’ve got someone who obviously got an education in America. 220,000 people have died in the US, where there are eight million cases to date. We’ve got 79,000 cases just today, probably in India, and here is someone who gets up and says ‘the Earth is flat’.

“Sorry sunshine, wrong place,” Mr Peters said, to applause.

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