Anti-Masker Sentenced To 10 Years For Fight About Masks
Credit: Polk County Sheriff's Office
June 14, 2021

Shane Michael walked into an eyewear store during the height of the pandemic. He wasn't wearing his facemask properly, only covering his mouth but not his nose. When a clerk asked Michael to wear his mask properly, Michael lost it. Then ensuing altercation led outside where Michael physically assaulted the clerk, who was only doing his job:

Michael hit the other man in the groin with his knee several times and jabbed him in his left eye, the Dispatch reported. The other man reportedly bit Michael on the arm before Michael took off his mask and spat on him.

"If I have it, you have it!" he reportedly said, referring to COVID-19.

Witnesses told police Michael appeared to have been the aggressor during the violent confrontation in the middle of the pandemic, according to the Des Moines Register. He was seen following the other man out of the store to confront him.

Michael was convicted on April 1 and was subsequently sentenced to ten years in prison for willful assault causing serious injury.

I hope he thinks it was worth it.

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