April 27, 2022

Sentient jar of Elmer's Art Paste, Dennis Prager, has thoughts about how the "left" will behave once Elon Musk completes his hostile takeover of Twitter. Mind you, Prager isn't one for "predictions," per se. But here he is, bloviating away, blanketing us in his wisdom about as warmly and gently as a long, quiet release of fluid from a dog's anal sacs. And just as odiferous.

"I rarely make predictions," begins Prager.

We're in for a treat, now.

"What I talk about is what people need to do, not my predictions for the future, but I have a prediction."

Awww! Darn it! I had hoped he was going to tell me what I needed to do, weren't you?

"Twitter will be flooded with hate, and a lot of it will come from people on the left who want to show how hate-filled it is," Prager, you know, predicted.

Because before Musk, there was ZERO hate on Twitter. It was the Elysian Fields of social media.

But, do go on, Dennis, because I'm just a girl, and my brain's not that smart. Explain what you mean.

"It's like the race hoax industry. If you see a noose on a college dorm of a Black student, the odds are overwhelming that the noose was put there by a Black student. If you see the n-word on the wall of a dormitory building, the odds are overwhelming that a Black student actually did that," Prager informs us.

Woooow. I had no idea! Surely, there is loads of evidence for this assertion, right Dennis? Like, studies and stuff? Statistics?

"We're filled with race hoaxes. Why? To show how racist the country is, we need these hoaxes. Jussie Smollett is the most famous."

Jussie Smollett. That's it? That's all ya got? Jussie Smollett is your Get Out Of Jail Free card for all the hate crimes that have plagued and continue to plague our nation? THAT'S your ticket to blaming every lynching, every form of white supremacist intimidation on Black people? ONE Black dude?

"That's what we're going to have on Twitter. You will have hate made up, and you will have genuine hate, that is correct. That is the price of free speech," he concluded, as if he thought it was just the saddest thing on earth. And he was just going to have to put up with it as a good, patriotic American, because good Americans tolerate even speech they don't like.

Except as usual, he's got it totally ass-backwards. Clearly he's LYING about nooses and racist graffiti. But his notions about free speech are absurd. There are RULES against hate speech. There are LAWS against hate crimes. There are LIMITS applied to speech, and especially when it is false, used to harass and/or intimidate other people, or incite criminal behavior.

Prager would never acknowledge that, though, because it would take away his pretense of being the prescient, suffering, tolerant, unappreciated white man. Also, because he's incapable of recognizing truth, even if it kicks him right in the anal sacs.

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