Republicans, for the most part, have refused to hold Trump accountable for his crimes, but we did finally find two of them willing to do the right thing with the January 6th Committee.
December 25, 2022

Here at C&L, we love to go after the bad guys but it's nice to give the ones who do the right thing some attention as well. The January 6th Commission will be disbanded once Republicans take control of the House, but not before we got a host of criminal referrals, and countless hours of prime time exposure to raise public awareness and educate the Americans about the real danger to democracy that Trump and his enablers represent following their attempts to overturn the presidential election and Trump's incitement of the violent mob on January 6th.

I don't know whether Trump, or Tom Fitton, or Ali Alexander, or Mark Meadows, or Ginni Thomas, or any of the rest of them will ever be held accountable for their actions, but we can thank the committee and their staff for helping to assure that at least some of them will be, and for putting pressure on the Justice Department and Merrick Garland to do their job.

For that, here's your "Good Guy" award for 2022.


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