February 3, 2023

This post is about James Comer, lead "prosecutor" for the House Republicans.

Yes, THIS James Comer. Never forget.

A suspected Chinese spy balloon has been discovered by the US military a few days ago, so the Republican Chairman of the House Oversight Committee decided this could be a biological attack from Wuhan labs.

Speaking to Harris Faulkner on Fox News, the Republican lawmaker did the only job he's capable of. Fearmonger.

Fox News host Harris Faulkner made this ominous statement about the wind and claimed the balloon came from "wind we can't substantiate." I mean, really.

Cue the Jaws soundtrack of fear!

"This balloon should never be allowed to cross into, past the Pacific Coast and into the US," he said. "Never should have happened."

"My concern is that the federal government obviously doesn't know what's in that balloon," Rep. Comer said. "Is that bio-weapons in that balloon? Did that balloon take off from Wuhan?"

So China has started a biological war with the US, using a weather balloon full of viruses from Wuhan?

House Republicans are incapable of doing anything other than lying, pretending to "own the libs," and fearmongering Everything Everywhere All at Once.

Rep. Comer is so moronic that he was upset the military didn't already shoot the balloon down.

But if it actually contained a biological weapon, shooting it down would have released that pesky Wuhan balloon virus on our country, which would have been disastrous for the United States, right?

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