March 12, 2023

Former President Donald Trump hasn't said much about his years-long friendship with notorious pedophile Jeffrey Epstein or why their friendship ended. The one-term President did wish Epstein's sex trafficking partner Ghislaine Maxwell "well" when facing federal charges of helping Epstein recruit, groom, and sexually abuse girls. Maxwell is currently serving a 20-year prison sentence.

According to what Jeffrey's brother, Mark, told Business Insider, his now-deceased brother distanced himself from Trump because the former President was "a crook."

Imagine being too slimy for a pedophile. And there is unaired footage of an interview by Jeffrey Epstein conducted by Steve Bannon after his brother forwarded it to him in the spring of 2019.

Via Insider:

At the time, Bannon was conducting filmed interviews with the now-dead pedophile financier. Bannon sent Jeffrey Epstein a Dropbox link to a clip, which he forwarded to his brother. The link is no longer active, according to Mark.

"Jeffrey showed me the link to one of these interviews," Mark Epstein said. "And in that interview, Jeffrey said he stopped hanging out with Trump when he realized Trump was a crook."

Bannon is a Trump fanboy, so he'll never release the footage outing his hero.

Mark Epstein said, "Steve Bannon was working with Jeffrey to try to help Jeffrey rehabilitate his reputation."

Bannon and Epstein had become close in 2017, after Bannon left the White House, according to the journalist Michael Wolff. Bannon lived lavishly off Epstein's vast wealth, using his Paris apartment and butler in 2018.

No one would put it past Bannon to be buddies with a man that had sexually abused at least 136 individuals.

Virginia Giuffre, one of Epstein's accusers, has testified that his associate Ghislaine Maxwell first picked her up at Mar-a-Lago when she was 16 years old before introducing her to Epstein. At Maxwell's own criminal trial, in 2021, one accuser testified that Maxwell introduced her to Trump at Mar-a-Lago when she was 14 years old. Other accusers said Maxwell and Epstein often namedropped Trump.

According to the Miami Herald, Trump denied that Epstein was ever a member of Mar-a-Lago, but he was. A book claims that it was Trump who ended his bro-ship with Epstein after the disgraced financier hit on the teenage daughter of a Mar-a-Lago member. And I've heard many Trump supporters go with that story to prove that Trump would never be pals with a pedophile.

However, Epstein isn't the only pedophile that Trump has known. Or admired.

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