June 18, 2023

Republican presidential candidate Mike Pence struggled not to answer after he was asked if he would pardon former President Donald Trump.

During an interview on Meet the Press, host Chuck Todd wondered if Pence would consider pardoning the former president after he was hit with 37 federal indictments.

"Well, I just think the question is premature," Pence dodged. "I mean, honestly, Chuck, I've pardoned people who were found guilty of a crime."

"What was your bar for a pardon?" Todd pressed.

"Well, let me say first and foremost, I don't know why some of my competitors in the Republican primary presume the president will be found guilty," Pence said.

"If you were President Biden, would you pardon him right now?" Todd asked.

"I just think this whole matter is incredibly divisive for the country," the former vice president waffled. "And look, I just think, at the end of the day, it is saddening to me that we are now in this moment."

In a recent CNN town hall, Pence also refused to say if he would pardon Trump.

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