Did Arizona GOP Use Campaign Funds To Attend J6 Riot?
Credit: Anthony Kern Facebook page
November 2, 2023

A complaint has been filed against Arizona lawmaker and known January 6 rioter Anthony Kern accusing him of using campaign funds to pay for his time a-rioting:

The complaint against Sen. Anthony Kern, R-Glendale claims that Kern improperly used campaign funds from his failed 2020 re-election to travel to Washington, D.C., to attend the events of Jan. 6, 2021, including airfare and a hotel stay.

“These travel expenses occurred during the same time that Senator Kern traveled to Washington, D.C. for a rally at the United State Capitol on January 6, 2021 – a rally that ultimately turned violent and led to the death of seven people,” the complaint filed with the Arizona Secretary of State’s Office by Peoria resident Josh Gray says.

On Jan. 4 Kern reported an expenditure for $980.96 for “Travel – lodging” and a $478 expenditure on Jan. 5 for an airline ticket. On Jan. 11, Kern reported an expenditure of $436.74 for travel and lodging at a Hyatt hotel.

If that whole scenario sounds familiar, it should.

It's been reported that Wisconsin's drunk uncle, Derrick Van Orden, had also used campaign funds to go a-rioting:

Two months after Republican congressional candidate Derrick Van Orden lost his 2020 race, he joined “stop the steal” rioters on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol—and he paid for the trip with donor money left over from his failed campaign.

Now Van Orden is running again, and has already scored major endorsements from senior GOP House leadership, including Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

Wouldn't it be nice to have the authorities finally get around to address all of the lawmakers that partook in the riot so that we could have a modicum of faith in the government?

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