Attytood: What's 100,000 or so deaths "to retain political and professional credibility"? We are Respectable Negroes: A new low for Glenn Beck (for n
June 19, 2009

Attytood: What's 100,000 or so deaths "to retain political and professional credibility"?

We are Respectable Negroes: A new low for Glenn Beck (for now), and the discreet charm of Ayn Rand.

Beggars Can Be Choosers: GOP Politicians are okay with tax-funded health care - but only for themselves.

Group News Blog: Reviewing my presidential wish list.

Majikthise: Wilkins Coffee ads as a metaphor for U.S. foreign policy.

SteveAudio: R.I.P. Bob Bogle.

Guest post by Batocchio. Temporarily e-mail tips to batocchio9 AT yahoo DOT com. Thanks!

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