(From humble beginnings . . .) [media id=17759] When I first heard Elbow in 2001, their album Asleep In The Back had just been released, I took an
August 7, 2010

(From humble beginnings . . .)

When I first heard Elbow in 2001, their album Asleep In The Back had just been released, I took an instant liking to them and had a feeling in the back of my mind they were destined to stick around for a while.

Well, nine years later they're still at it and have made great strides since those early days.

So this weekend's concert features Elbow from the 2008 Glastonbury festival to give you an idea of just how much they've grown over the years.

A great band who haven't quite gotten the attention they deserve here in the states, but certainly with a huge following in Europe.

BBC 6 Music ran this concert earlier in the week as part of their Live Concert Hour, but it's missing the opening number (due to their time constraints of 30 minutes). I managed to locate the complete concert with the opening number. So have at it and enjoy.

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