News of the day for February 28, 1981 - British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher visits Washington for talks. Nicaragua and El Salvador are heating up. Accusations fly back and forth between Moscow and Washington about sending arms. Secretary of State Alexander Haig chimes in. Attempts being made in the Arab World to end the Iran-Iraq War. And the world spins relentlessly onward.
February 28, 2011

Thatcher and Reagan - portrait of Political soul mates.

This day in 1981 saw British Prime Minister pay a visit to President Reagan for talks in Washington. The "two-peas-in-a-pod" analogy became glowingly apparent during their toasts and throughout their talks. Meanwhile, the situation in Central America was quickly derailing as accusations flew back and forth between Washington and Moscow of who was shipping arms to whom. I suppose if we had that luxury of clairvoyance in 1981 we'd all know how it would unfold a few years later. Nonetheless, fighting was going on and sides were quickly being drawn. Meanwhile, in the Middle East - attempts were being made to forge some sort of settlement between warring Iran and Iraq on the parts of Arab neighbors as that war galloped on.

All in all, a rather typical February 28th day thirty years ago as this episode of the CBS World News Roundup with Neil Strawser points out.

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