September 6, 2010

Supreme Love Gods - Yes, of all places . . Fresno.

As much as we're inundated with new bands and new material, it's always interesting to dig into the past a bit and see what slipped under the radar. Supreme Love Gods were from Fresno. Not exactly the place you would expect to find an Indie/Alternative/Psych band of the early 90's to come from. But that goes to show you music is everywhere and style bears no jurisdiction over geographic location.

Supreme Love Gods were quite a good band who unfortunately didn't last all that long. In 1991 they were signed to Sony and issued on ep before being dropped by the label and being picked up by Def American to release their first and only album in 1992 before calling it quits in 1993.

While the album is uneven there are gems. Tonights track is one of those gems - Blackstripe taps into their psych leanings and it's a nicely produced song that, when played loud, heads into mind-melting territory, making you wish the whole album was like that.

But maybe that was the problem. I think it tried to be too many genres to too many people and it lost its way. But the sad thing about bands that give it up all too soon is that they just didn't have the support to take time to get it nailed down. That's been one of the classic problems with mainstream music and why this trend towards doing it yourself is ultimately healthier for a band and their careers.

But that's hindsight. The fact of the matter is, Supreme Love Gods were a good band that fell short on breaks and went off to become other things. They left one album as their legacy - and sometimes that's more than a lot of bands can say.

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