October 18, 2009

Daily Show co-creator Lizz Winstead gives Ed Schultz a hard time for chasing the bright shiny object or as she calls it "the Jiffy Pop thing" along with the rest of the "news" shows out there instead of covering the real news.

Schultz: Hey have you seen any balloons in your neighborhood lately?

Winstead: I’m so mad at you. What are you doing? Stop talking about these box balloon people. Ed you’re bigger than that. What are you doing? This is not a story for you. And the only reason you should be talking about a balloon floating across America for two hours is if the TARP money that we’ve lost is in it. Ed, seriously…get a grip!

Schultz: Did you go to dinner with Arianna Huffington last night to get schooled up on this? The world is talking about this. This has got tremendous intrigue. What parent treats his kids like this? Come on.

Winstead: Ed you do not—don’t be part of the chatter of bad parenting that is on T.V. now. What who’s next? John and Kate are going to co-host with you? I’m disappointed in you. Ed, look at this Jiffy Pop thing. This is not news! You’re showing a Jiffy Pop thing.

Schultz: Is there popcorn in it?

Winstead: Ed the breaking news is…

Schultz: I thought there was some popcorn in it.

Winstead: Ed, here’s the breaking news—thing floats out of back yard. This is what you’ve promoted for the first ten minutes of your show—thing floats out of back yard. Ed, where’s the TARP money? We don’t have enough troops to go to Afghanistan. Bobby Jindal shut down a mental health facility. We know you. Those are the things you should be talking about. I’m going to—I’m scolding you. I’m going to spank you.

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