Politico has a great article today which reviews the ten pardons President Bush is most likely to make between today and tomorrow. I'd say Scooter Li
January 19, 2009

Politico has a great article today which reviews the ten pardons President Bush is most likely to make between today and tomorrow. I'd say Scooter Libby is a sure bet, although my favorite candidate has got to be Alberto Gonzalez.


3. Pardon Prospect: Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales

Status: A special prosecutor based in Connecticut, Nora Dannehy, has been assigned to review whether Gonzales misled Congress or otherwise interfered with inquiries into the firings of U.S. attorneys. He’s also being investigated for allegedly preparing false after the fact notes of 2004 congressional briefing about warrantless surveillance. Gonzales has denied wrongdoing, but lacks a solid job and could still run up big legal bills trying to ward off a prosecution.

Pros: Gonzales a longtime loyal Bush aide; arguably punished by lack of significant employment since resigning under pressure in 2007

Cons: Pardon could be seen as self-serving since it was Bush who reportedly asked Gonzales to memorialize 2004 Congressional meeting; will prompt charges of cronyism.

Politico Odds: 1 to 1.

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