[media id=6584] Oops. At least The Todd was there to set her straight. Things took a turn toward the hypothetically ugly Monday when Sarah Palin rea
October 14, 2008

Oops. At least The Todd was there to set her straight.

Things took a turn toward the hypothetically ugly Monday when Sarah Palin reacted to what she thought was a protest during a rally at the Richmond International Raceway in Virginia.

Supporters at the far reaches of the audience apparently couldn’t hear what Palin was saying, and began chanting “Louder, louder!” the Associated Press reports; the chant spread from there.

Perhaps too used to seeing protests at this point — and, in her defense, it’s not often that supporters interrupt the candidate they’ve come to see in this fashion — Palin responded, “I hope those protesters have the courage and honor to give veterans thanks for their right to protest.”

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