Click here to download or view WMP via MediaBistro At least Geraldo doesn't pretend to be objective. Johnny Dollar has transcribed some of Rivera
January 29, 2005

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At least Geraldo doesn't pretend to be objective. Johnny Dollar has transcribed some of Rivera's comments:

They are casting their ballot for the first time. It was so inspiring. It was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen in my entire life. It really is like the Berlin Wall going down in 1989. It really is like the beginning, like the dawn of the civil rights era, when black people could vote for the first time. It is the most amazing sight. Only a hard-bitten cynic, only a person with absolutely no upside to their feeling of optimism, could look askance at what is happening, truly happening today.

Some takes from the right:

Roger Simon: Fox is not as good as CNN at location coverage. Murdoch doesn't seem to care. Too bad. This leaves a real hole in American television journalism. Maybe the blogosphere will fill it some day.

Powerline: "By the way, this has got to be Geraldo Rivera's finest hour...Geraldo may not quite be a real journalist, but today it seemed to me that he was something more."

Captain's Quarters: "Geraldo's emotions have overcome him, and he's not alone."

The Great Nick Ball's Weblog "His comparisons to this event like the 'falling of the Berlin Wall' are right on."

I agreed with Simon. CNN has the infrastructure to provide much better coverage for world events. I thought Rivera was over the top and taking away from the broadcast. Obviously the right likes it's cheerleaders. I thought the tenor of all the cable networks was very positive to the election by and large.

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