March 11, 2005

USA NEXT benefits section:..."is a non-profit, non-partisan, public interest organization..."

Yet in their Financial Advice Headlines: USA TODAY founder Al Neuharth writes:

" USA Next, a much smaller but well-heeled conservative group."

Is a conservative group non-partisan? They obviouly agree that they are conservative or they would have refuted the article that they praise. (update via Moveleft) also as reported by E&P: Asked if USA Next was just a front group for the White House, Jarvis said he'd never had a “one-on-one” meeting with Karl Rove, Bush's chief strategist, but had met him, thinks “he is a political and tactical genius,” and has attended presentations he's given at the White House.

In their News and Information section: Liberals Level Full-Scale Assault at USA Next

They list three sources of this vicious attack. New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, Feb. 24, 2005. Ana M. Alaya, Newark Star-Ledger, Feb. 23, 2005. Molly Ivins, Chicago Tribune, Feb. 24, 2005.

All three wrote their column after the hideous ad that USA NEXT released on Feb. 21, 2005, which they are now being sued for.

Three column sure sounds like a full scale assault.

In their News Releases: NEW USA NEXT POLL SHOWS SUPPORT FOR PERSONAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS : Survey Rebukes AARP’s Skewed Survey; Clear Majorities Support “Major Reforms...

"Our poll is far more representative of all the American people. 52 percent of hte (it's their typo) public supports President Bush's policy of creating Personal Retirement Accounts while assuring retirees and near-retirees will be protected...."

However, there is no polling data available to back up what they say. Did they make the poll up? We couldn't tell. A call has been made to USA NEXT to have the data released.

I guess if they are going to spend something like 10 million dollars to attack the AARP, at least we could spend a few minutes taking a look at their website. More coming soon...

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