Robert Shaw from the LA Times asks the question: Do bloggers deserve basic journalistic protections? He writes: "When I or virtually any other mains
March 26, 2005

Robert Shaw from the LA Times asks the question: Do bloggers deserve basic journalistic protections?

He writes: "When I or virtually any other mainstream journalist writes something, it goes through several filters before the reader sees it. At least four experienced Times editors will have examined this column, for example. They will have checked it for accuracy, fairness, grammar, taste and libel, among other things."...

I must admit that our editors "Sam" and "Babe" are a little lacking in their spell checking abiliies, as I am repeatedly made aware of all the typo's. So please when you have a problem with something that shows up on the blog, address it to my editors.

Digby writes: "LA Times Media critic David Shaw claims in today's paper that bloggers don't deserve the reporter's privilege because they are lazy, careless and inaccurate. In the process of explaining why, he makes a couple of whopping mistakes that one can only assume he makes because he is lazy and careless."

Atrios writes: I'm happy for people to make serious criticisms of the blugosphere, though when they do they should stop comparing bluggers to something which is only a very tiny part of what modern day "journalism" is. And, while they're at it, they could focus some more attention on something they've been ignoring for years -- talk radio....

Bloggers really have these guys rattled.

Happy Easter to all who celebrate.

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