December 1, 2005

(The Pajamas Media formerly OSM, formerly PM-formerly the artist known as Prince, reference is obviously a joke.)

Tonight the NY Times confirmed the story that Jane broke-which C&L, and Jeralyn wrote about last night saying that a conversation between Viveca Novak, a reporter for Time magazine and Rove's lawyer:

"led Rove to change his testimony last year to the grand jury in the C.I.A. leak case, people knowledgeable about the sequence of events said on"

This is obviously bad news for Rove. (Is there another Fitzmas present coming?)

Tina Brown wrote a column today in defense of Bob Woodward saying preposterous things like: "I believe Woodward when he says he didn't think the leak he heard about Valerie Plame's job was important at the time."--"He hoarded the info for some larger reportorial purpose because that's what Big Beasts do- But navigating the porous demands of living as a Human Brand instead of a human being gets more complex every day."

Of course it's all the bloggers fault: "Mainstream Media are trapped in the pincer assaults of the fact-free ethical anarchy of the blogosphere...."

It would be nice if Tina Brown took her own advice and did a little fact checking on herself. It seems that we have better sources than Tina and her buddies. (*sources couldn't confirm a tie with Tina Brown and PM/OSM/PM and the artist known as Prince )

The Agonist has his say.

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