Sorry, but my video file crashed so I can't post it, but Republican Sen. Dick Lugar-is concerned also as he appeared with Blitzer today. Blitzer: So
December 31, 2005

Sorry, but my video file crashed so I can't post it, but Republican Sen. Dick Lugar-is concerned also as he appeared with Blitzer today.

Blitzer: So you want hearings? You want hearings?

Lugar: I do. I think this is an appropriate time, without going back and should the president have ever tried to listen to a call coming from Afghanistan, probably of course. And in the first few weeks we made many concessions in the Congress because we were at war and we were under attack. We still have the possibility of that going on so we don't want to obviate all of this, but I think we want to see what in the course of time really works best and the FISA Act has worked pretty well from the time of President Carter's day to the current time.

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