Mike's Blog Round Up Donkephant: A proposal at the UN to stop the re-broadcast of any MSM material. Let me be a little more clear: No redistribution
May 5, 2006

Mike's Blog Round Up

Donkephant: A proposal at the UN to stop the re-broadcast of any MSM material. Let me be a little more clear: No redistribution of Main Stream Media video or audio on the Internet of any kind. Seems like everyone's interested in the internet - especially dictators.

Blue Collar Politics Blog: Sow poverty and despair, reap anger and nationalism

MaxSpeak, You Listen! Madeleine Begun Kane is glad that Bush's presidential signing statement abuse is finally getting some serious attention from the media and, it appears, from Arlen Specter:

Ode To The Signing Statement
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Dub's never once vetoed a bill,
Though he's threatened to, sounding quite shrill.
At long last we know why:
His stealth statements defy

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