Power of the Narrative: Republican lawmakers acknowledge that it is no longer tenable to say the news media are ignoring the good news in Iraq and pai
July 20, 2006

Power of the Narrative:

Republican lawmakers acknowledge that it is no longer tenable to say the news media are ignoring the good news in Iraq and painting an unfair picture of the war. In the first half of this year, 4,338 Iraqi civilians died violent deaths, according to a new report by the U.N. Assistance Mission for Iraq. Last month alone, 3,149 civilians were killed -- an average of more than 100 a day...read on

Iraq's population is roughly one-tenth that of the United States. Can you imagine the state of all-encompassing hysteria that would have descended on this country (to say nothing of martial law) if more than 1,000 Americans were being killed every single day -- or if 31,490 Americans had been killed last month alone?

And still Bush says, "stay the course." And still Republicans cling to the same utterly failed notions and mouth the same nauseating slogans, even as they are forced to acknowledge at least part of this incomprehensibly grim reality...read on

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