March 25, 2007

(Guest blogged by Logan Murphy)

Why From her 1992 album Diva.

I've always loved Annie's voice and style. She's not only one of the best vocalists of our time, she's also a staunch advocate for peace.

I don't believe that you can ever solve the problem of terrorism by acts of brutal retaliatory violence. I think the so-called war on terror is scandalous because it is a cover-up, and not a solution. It is in fact America's second Vietnam. I do not believe the Iraqi people are being liberated. They are being destroyed. I do not believe the planet can continue ad infinitum with our endless exploitation of its natural resources. I do not believe that human beings have ever created a political structure which works for the benefit of all, rather than the few.

And here she is, performing the same song live, with a completely different intent. It's hard to deny the power of her performance, or not be moved by the message. (Live Aid 8, July 2006)

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