October 17, 2007

LA Times:

The Roll Call newspaper in Washington reported on its website this evening that former House Speaker Dennis Hastert of Illinois intends to resign his House seat later this year.

The subscription-only site said Hastert, who had already announced he would not seek reelection in 2008, was calling friends and associates today and telling them of his decision. His early departure would create the need for a special election in his exurban Chicago district, possibly on Illinois' Feb. 5 presidential primary day.[..]

Three Republicans--Chris Lauzen, Jim Oberweis and Kevin Burns--are already vying for the party's nomination, while Bill Foster, a wealthy Democrat, appears to lead the waiting Democratic field.

Howie at DWT notes that there hasn't been a lot of speculation as to why Hastert is leaving....hmmm....In any event, there are an awful lot of Republicans lately reading the writing out of the wall...Kay Bailey Hutchinson has said she'll be leaving her seat early as well (to run for the Texas governorship).

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