November 28, 2007

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Kansas City CBS affiliate KCTV5 conducted a 6 month investigation of Phil Kline, the religious zealot and rabid anti-abortion District Attorney of Johnson County, Kansas that has now caught fire on blogs nationwide, earning C&L a nod for our coverage. The investigation uncovered some dirty secrets about Kline's true residency and his apparent lack of work ethics -- and now he's running for cover.

In a follow up report Tuesday night, KCTV noted that Kline refused to appear on their broadcast to defend himself, but instead chose to appear on right wing radio talk shows around Kansas where he dodged the issues and repeatedly attacked KCTV and it's reporters. KCTV captured some of his radio hissy fits and replayed them, nailing him on a number of lies and issued Kline a fifth invitation to join them to talk about the allegations. Somehow I doubt he'll accept. This is real journalism and it's encouraging to see it come out of the Midwest. Fine work, KCTV5...don't let up.

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