December 6, 2007

Who says irony is dead?

Variety: (h/t Scarce)

The latest National Intelligence Estimate concluding that Iran discontinued its nuclear weapons program four years ago has claimed one casualty: CNN has postponed speculative documentary "We Were Warned -- Iran Goes Nuclear."

The two-hour spec, which was slated for Dec. 12 under the "CNN Presents" banner, was "set partially in the future," featuring a what-if scenario as former government officials -- playing fictional cabinet members -- debate how to deal with the Iranian threat.

That special was "based on a different set of rules and a different set of conditions," said CNN veep-senior exec producer Mark Nelson, noting that the surprising NIE report "changed everything."

In its place, CNN will this weekend air two Campbell Brown-hosted specials on the Iran situation and its history. Portions of "We Were Warned" correspondent Frank Sesno's original reporting will be incorporated into those hours, which air Saturday and Sunday.

Just "postponed" the documentary? Because it could come in useful later when Dan (Iraqi Provisional Authority's #2 and Mitt "Islamofascist Jihad" Romney's foreign policy advisor) Senor's wife, Campbell Brown decides to do a story on those scary Iranians?

Gosh, CNN, how about coming up with a documentary about a president ignoring intelligence and blatantly lying to the American people to force us full steam ahead into a nuclear conflict with a country that posed no imminent threat?

Oh wait, that would require taking a critical eye to this White House and maybe doing some *gasp* investigative journalism. Silly Nicole.

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