The Hollywood Reporter has just announced that Ann Coulter will make a guest star appearance in Sharknado 3 - as killer sharks head to the Washington D.C. to cause havoc among the beltway weenies.
March 2, 2015

One of most anticipated casting news of the last two decades has just broken via the Hollywood Reporter and it is now confirmed that Ann Coulter will play the Vice President to Mark Cuban's President in Syfy Channel's third installment of their killer Sharknado series.

Mark Cuban and Ann Coulter have joined the growing list of guest stars for the third TV movie in the phenomenon, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.

Launching in July, Sharknado 3 will be set in Washington, D.C., this time and, per Syfy, will "cause mass destruction in the nation's capital" before it roars down the Eastern Seaboard.

Entrepreneur/Dallas Mavericks owner Cuban of Shark Tank will play the president, while conservative commentator/author Coulter will play the vp.

Sharknado, the campy surprise mega-hit from Syfy appears to be the perfect vehicle for Coulter. I'm sure Las Vegas will jump in any time soon and offer betting odds on how long will Ann last before she is eaten alive by those pesky tornado jumping sharks.

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